Charles Anderson is a gentle human being and a sex offender. No, the two are not contradictory and we will in this blog , help Charles get his voice heard about many issues. He is well read , informed and concerned . I have known Charles for nearly ten years and highly recommend his essays and thoughts to you.
Please feel free to write Charles :
Charles Anderson;Po Box 129;Winnebago, Wi 54985
or you can email me and I will forward your message . Remember to give me your address and email. If you are leary of using your own return address, we can be a middle man for you , Contact us at this address: email FFUP at

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lake Winnebago: Majestic Ecosystem

Lake Winnebaso : A Majestic Ecosystem
by Chas A
While living on the shores of Lake Winnebago these past months, I didn't give it much thought other than thinking it might resemble the Sea of Galilee, bordered by hills.

The recent Sturgeon spearing season caught my attention and I vowed to learn more about this body of fresh water, 10 X 30 miles, 137,000 acres, and 88 miles of shoreline at depths of 13-21 feet. This quite shallow ecosystem lends itself to be the habitat of the mysterious, el­usive bottom feeder, the lake sturgeon. Prized in Russia for its eggs, made into caviar, it is considered a trophy fish in Wisconsin along with walleye, northern pike, and Musky. Many sports­men consider Lake Winnebago a top fishery.

Every February the WI Dept. of Natural Resources designates a sturgeon harvest of 5% of the total population estimate, to be taken only by spear­ing. This unique method ensures a fair chance for both animal and fisher. Appropriate holes in the ice must be chiseled, often enclosed in a shanty hauled onto thick ice.

This endeavor also extends on Winnebago's sister lakes: Poygan, Winn-econne, and Butte des Mortes, all fed by the Wolf River. Winnebago1s outlet to Lake Michigan, the Fox River is not accessible to boats because of num­erous dam/locks. Rapid Croche lock also seals the waterway from invasive species from the Great Lakes.

This year, the season ended quickly with harvest of 1513 adults and~ juveniles, with 300 taken upriver. 43 sturgeon weighed in over 100 Ibs. The largest was 172, third largest on record. The state sold 8759 licenses, 130 to out-of-staters, so this fishery seems to be a well kept local secret,

Winnebago is the largest, inland freshwater lake in Wisconsin, a rem­nant of glacial times but its level is regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, through the Fox River dams. Only two other such inland lakes in the U.S. are larger, Lake Okechobee in Florida and Red Lake, MN. Lk. Champlain and Lk. Tahoe might be larger but are not contained in a single state.
Winnebago is our own gem, a pristine ecosystem unmatched elsewhere.

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